Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best

This picture is a bit old, but I haven't posted very often for quite some time now. Early this year I was shopping online for Mini-Geek's Easter outfit (I told you this picture was from awhile ago, I don't even have that car anymore.) and I was attempting to ask him for his opinion on some clothes. I don't know why I expected a reasonabe opinion from a 4 year old boy who wants to spend his entire life in shorts, hoodies, and skateboarding shoes, but I thought I would try. He promptly proclaimed everything "ugly and disgusting". I tried a new site, still no good. We were on Old Navy's site and freaked when he saw this hat and decided he "needed it". Then we found the glasses, those became a sudden necessity as well. We're seriously talking life or death here. Months later he still wears them at least on occasion, which is pretty impressive for his short attention span.

I'm starting to get nervous. On the 10th of next month we're going to the school for pre-k screening. She said they could do it in the fall if I did not care if I was there or if I wanted to be there or I had any concerns then they could do it over the summer. Well to be totally honest I do have some concerns. I'm not entirely sure that everything is right in Mini-Geek world. In some areas he is ahead on development, he seems like he is a pretty smart kid, and everything looks great. But in some areas I am not so sure. He still can't pedal a bike, he got his first bike over two years ago, he has very frequent meltdowns, he won't even try to draw or paint anything concrete, everything is still scribbles and swirls, and there's just so many little things but when I add them up they worry me. I found this chart. His drawings are still in the 2 year old stage. He is nearly 4 1/2. He just recently started to enjoy coloring, up until last week coloring was a very rare activity for him. There's a ton of other things that are small concerns but when added up have me a bit worried. Maybe it's nothing but it is far better to address these things now rather than have a big problem later. And really, look at that sweet sleeping boy, how could anything be wrong with anything so perfectly beautiful?

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